Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Ups and Downs of baby goats.

Little Charlie died last night. I will still put a picture on for you to see what he looked like, but he was never really healthy. He didn't seem like he was fighting to keep himself alive. It is alright though. Now for that good news I was talking about, um there is none!! JUST KIDDING!! Get it?! Ok fine i'll tell you! This morning when my mom and I went out to do chores everybody was so exited to see us, (which helps you heal) So we fed everybody everybody ate awesome, and then my mom started playing with Dexter!!! Her and I decided it takes him 3-4 seconds each time you push him for him to react!!!! So she would give him a little playful push and we would count, 1,2,3,4 then he would like jump, starting with his back legs!!!!!!! So now it is call the Dexter Delay! It really helps when you just get over a animal dying on your farm to know that there are still 4 really healthy babies, waiting to cheer you up! Anyway here are some pictures of Charlie, Evangeline, and Dixie!!!
Little Charlie
By Far my FAVORITE picture of  Xavier!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RIP Charlie....Danni, he's a cutie(: