Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Blue Sky(:

Well, before this post makes any sense whatsoever, let me tell a little story.

A couple, four years ago we moved to China. Yes I did type that right, China. We moved there so that we could help my dad's company add on another branch to their business. Well China, is great. There were a lot of amazing experiences we had there. There was just a couple thousand things we missed about the good ol' U.S.A. One thing among the thousand was the sky. It sounds kind of silly because it is one of those things that we take for granted, at least we did, before we moved to the land of Gray skies.

Long story short we came back during the summer times and soaked in that blue sky as much as we possibly could. So when we moved back home, we just couldn't get enough of it.

So, when I got more and more into Photography, I took a LOT  (And I mean a LOT), of blue sky/ sunset pictures.

My favorite.

We went to Missouri for Christmas to visit our friends, I had plenty of time to take pictures of the blue sky we saw on the way back. They aren't the best pictures...because I was in a moving vehicle, but the sky was just so was hard to resist. 

P.S. I will post some sunset pictures soon

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